Contact Jim

Coaching Focus: Executive & Senior Leaders, Emerging High Potential Leaders, International Executives & Senior Leaders, Non-Profit Leaders.

I am the owner and managing partner at Integris 360 Leadership (i360L). i360L is a consulting firm focused on organizational effectiveness, business advising and coaching. With over 25 years in leadership, technology, and change management roles with a Fortune 100 company, I have an exceptional background as a personal mentor and coach, global industry leader, and active non-profit leader. Combined with advanced degrees in education, business and engineering, I have a unique ability to help organizations clarify and resolve people, technology, and business-related issues. With many years spent supporting global teams, I am a highly effective in-person and virtual meeting facilitator. As an organization focused on technology, business performance and individual dignity, I have a unique ability to help organizations clarify, focus, and improve.

I also have a passionate commitment to community service with a non-profit background spanning almost twenty years, having served many non-profit organizations as a volunteer, advocate, board member and executive board leader. In these non-profit roles, I have learned how to be an effective, supportive, and valued community member, capable of actively “dialing-down” my industrial presence to listen deeply, and to serve and advocate for the mission of the community and organization. My focus within non-profit organizations is on leadership coaching and development, board engagement and organizational improvement with a focus on workforce development, community development and education.

Contact Jim