We are always evaluating resources to enhance the coaching experience of our community members. For some individuals, this is one-on-one coaching. For other individuals, they like learning on their own through online resources. For the more traditional individual, we have an exceptional list of books.
Meet the Coaches

We are a community of coaches, focused on using our unique skills and abilities to bring value to people who join the Coaches' Café.
As a coaching team, we share a common heart to help people find a place they can belong, where individuals feel that others believe in them, and where community members can become who they were meant to be.
Book Suggestions

For the traditionalist, a café is not a café without a collection of books. In our recommended books area, we have curated books across several areas of coaching, from traditional career coaching to the more open-ended life coaching.
We also refresh this area on a regular basis, so stop back. Also, if you have a book recommendation, please let us know and we will post it to the wider community.
Online Materials

For the person who enjoys interactive learning, tuning in to podcasts and reading the latest blog, we have put together a collection of useful online resources.