Coaches’ Café offers a wide range of services to meet your specific coaching needs. The coaching experience is not a one-size-fits-all approach. As an individual moves through life, the focus of coaching will likely change. For many individuals, their first exposure to coaching is through a focus on clarifying how to achieve more in their first job. As life progresses, there is often a desire to explore deeper life issues including major job changes, work-life integration challenges and finding significance and impact in more senior roles.
Career Coaching
Career coaching is often an individual’s first exposure to coaching. Career coaching can help an individual understand their strengths, values, and interests within the context of the larger job role. Career coaching is helpful in navigating the organization’s culture, understanding the individual’s role within the organization, and building effective mentoring and networking relationships while finding personal reward and significance. Typical outcomes from career coaching are identifying job performance strengths and gaps, improving working relationships with peers and the immediate supervisor, and developing a career progression plan.

Job Transition Coaching
At various points in a career, an individual may find themselves in the wrong role or temporarily out of work. For the career professional, this can be a very frustrating time that is difficult to navigate. Job transition coaching helps the individual in the wrong role to assess their interests, strengths, and desires to find clarity towards a more fulfilling career and life. For the career professional who finds themself out of work due to various reasons, job transition coaching provides a safe environment to explore a career change.
Life Coaching
Life coaching focuses on maximizing an individual’s full potential and well-being. The focus of life coaching is broader than career issues, emphasizing a more total-life approach integrating many aspects of life. A Life coach can help an individual to identify life goals and to provide structure and encouragement in pursuing big dreams while helping the individual clarify what is holding them back. Life coaching is a blend of long-term reflection with ongoing support in achieving life-changing, positive results.

Executive Coaching
An executive coach meets one-on-one with senior managers or leaders within an organization, such as a director, vice president, president, or other C-suite members, to understand the executive’s strengths, competencies, and blind spots relative to their ongoing performance and interpersonal relationships—family, direct reports, peers, clients, board members and senior leaders. An executive coach provides a safe, structured, and trustworthy space while helping the executive clarify and understand their current goals and long-term aspirations. Assessments are used throughout the process to understand strengths, motivation and emotional intelligence as perceived by the individual and their 360-degree network. For executives interested in deeper insights through peer-to-peer advice and networking, facilitated mastermind groups are available.
Individual & Team Assessments
The assessments administered by Coaches’ Café are internet-based instruments that the client completes in the privacy of their home or office. Most of the specific assessments used at Coaches’ Café are Level B Assessment—standardized tests that are administered, scored, and interpreted by certified consultants. Assessments can be used effectively with individuals through self-assessment, with teams and as 360-degree tools for leaders.

LinkedIn and Resumé Writing Services
Coaches’ Café will provide a free review of a potential client’s resume and LinkedIn profile. In the reviews, high-level opportunities to improve format, clarify and function will be identified. The feedback will be provided to the requestor by a brief phone call. The intent of the feedback is to provide sufficient guidance for the individual to make the changes themselves. The consultant will also provide suggestions of other useful resources including websites, articles and books that may assist the client..